Hallo vom HumBird-Hauptquartier

Which HumBird wool undies are the right fit for you?

Which HumBird wool undies are the right fit for you?

When it comes to finding the perfect pair of underwear, comfort and quality are key. HumBird offers a range of wool underwear options that cater to... READ MORE Logo
HumBird Wool

HumBird Wool

Deciphering the Complex Universe of Wool Textiles

Repairing your Wool Clothing

Repairing your Wool Clothing

How to fix a hole in your wool clothing. READ MORE Logo
The Cost of Woolen Fabrics

Die Kosten für Wollstoffe

We work closely with just one mill in Italy and one yarn spinner in Germany. They know that HumBird has a strong ethical commitment towards our wool sourcing, and that is why we strive to purchase GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) and RWS (Responsible Wool Standard) certified yarn when possible.  READ MORE Logo
Introducing, EveryDay merino wool

Wir stellen EveryDay Merinowolle vor

Spannende Neuigkeiten!!! Im Laufe des nächsten Monats werden wir einige neue Stoffergänzungen zu unserer Merino-Kollektion vorstellen. Hier is... READ MORE Logo
The end of the year is here… exciting things to come!

The end of the year is here… exciting things to come!

Giving back is the backbone of HumBird and we are always wanting to learn about the organizations and causes that our community members are passionate about. Please leave a comment below or email us at media@humbird.eu to tell us. READ MORE Logo

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