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December 06, 2021

Who Makes Your Clothes? Meet Team HumBird.

Shopping Small Supports our HumBird Team.

One of the nice things about shopping small is that you have the opportunity to know every individual that had a hand in your clothings journey. Today we would like to begin by introducing ourselves. Team HumBird has grown since our humble beginnings in 2010. We remain a small, home-based business with everything proudly made in house. It is important to us for our customers to know every member of our team. Each member brings something special and HumBird would not function without them.

Come meet the team!

Evelyn Brötzner & Dawn Jesse

They are the dynamic duo that creat ALL HumBird products. They make an amazing team and have become good friends that have a great time working together at HumBird HQ (Which is Dawn's home!)

Evi is a very talented sewist. Being very clever and stylish, her input has become an vital part of HumBird especially as we mindfully grow our collections to include new wardrobe staples, inclusive sizing and perfect our offerings. Drafting patterns is difficult but it's easier when you are doing it with a friend.  

Dawn, owner/creator of HumBird and sewist created this small home based company, as a young mother of two little girls, as an outlet for creativity and to connect with other parents. That has grown tremendously over the years with hard work, lots of ups and downs, learning and flexibility!

The HumBird community is precious to her.

Aimee Snyder

Aimee takes care of all the media for HumBird, posting on all of our social platforms, crafting our monthly emails, creating graphics, etc. She has been an Admin for HumBird for 3 years. You can find her interacting in our Facebook group, Instagram and Pinterest accounts. She is passionate about Slow Fashion, capsule wardrobes and sustainable living. Aimee loves helping our clients find the perfect pieces to start their capsule wardrobes or adding in those special pieces that will become well-loved wardrobe staples.  

Jessica Lojek

Jess has been an admin at HumBird for three years and is our color queen! Since HB purchases our wool years in advance we are choosing new colors all the time. It is time consuming and often overwhelming. She has an eye for colors and is extremely experienced in all wool types and brands. Interlock, hand knit, machine knit, boiled wool, up-cycled wool etc her knowledge is extensive. Her family wears wool as clothing and for cloth diapering. With her diverse wool-loving background she is great at assisting customers with sizing. You can find her helping customers in our FaceBook group and helping Dawn answer FaceBook messages.

Sarah Settanni & Sienna Ampersand

Both longtime friends, customers and support for HumBird. They have helped out in a multitude of ways over the years. Currently you will find them both in the Facebook Chat Group as Moderators. If you’ve got questions, they will definitely have the answers! Chatting about wool to homeschooling and every topic in between our chat groups grow our community.

Kanthinh Tin Manivong

Tin is our newest Admin but a long time customer, supporter and friend to HumBird, She is also a  cloth diapering advocate. She uses wool for clothes and with cloth diapering so she is a perfect match for helping our customers. Very Active in our FaceBook group you will definitely see her there. Truly a kind and caring person, we are so happy to have her on Team HumBird. 


Thank you

Thank you for being here and taking the time to read about our team. Now we would love to meet you! Introduce yourselves below in the comments or send us a message. We aren't bluffing! We really do want to meet each and every one of you. We hope this post has made you feel like you know us a little bit better too!

And be on the lookout for our next installment of "Who Makes Your Clothes." We will be introducing the amazing family owned and operated mill that produces our interlock and merino wools. 


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