November 28, 2021

Winter and my HB leggings

The snow came last night and today I had to go out and enjoy it. Mr. HumBird was feeling a bit under the weather today and the kids wanted to go to oma and sled down the hill we call the "kindergarten hill" since it is near the kindergarten so it was just Riley and I.

We did our "corona hike" as we started doing it in march 2020 when corona and lockdown first hit and we have done it about 100x since then. Today Riley and I were the first tracks up.  


As we were hiking up I got to thinking about how much I love these leggings. I wore my ocean size 10B leggings. It made me also realize how important it is as a a maker to wear the clothes we make. It lets me know how the fabric should wear, how to help the customer with the care guide, how to fix a snag or hole if it should get caught up on something, and generally gives me great confidence in knowing I make a quality product. 

I am 176cm and around 70kg (plus or minus 1 depending on life) and before the new models came I wore a 10A but they puckered out a bit at the hip and the new model B does not. What is the difference between the A, B, C, and D models? The A model has the biggest difference between high and low hip and the model D has the smallest difference. It is to help take into account the different body types we have.

Soon HumBird will be offering a full figure model legging to help expand and better fulfill our motto of EveryBody EveryDay.