A Look Back at 2021
The last day of the year has us feeling reflective and grateful.
Despite the challenges that 2021 brought all of us we are choosing today to look back with gratitude. We know that 2022 will also great present challenges (old and new) but we remain determined to make the world a better place. There is a lot of work to be done and we are actively striving both individually and as a small business to put our words into action. Here at HumBird we believe in giving back.
We want to begin our "year in retrospect" with something we are very proud of our charitable donations.
A message from Dawn:
"While the times have been uncertain HumBird remains committed to giving back. HumBird began in 2012 shortly after my daughters were born. I was feeling very lonely and looking for a way to connect with others and HB ended up being that way for me to connect. It has fulfilled that aspect of my life more than I could have possibly imagined. HB is dedicated to giving back and thankful for the opportunity to do so."
In 2021 we were privileged to support in approx €1600 worth of donations:
Plan International
Fund for Congolese Women
Suicide Prevention
Kinder in Not
Queer Amnesty
World Wildlife Fund
International Rescue Committee
Doctors without Borders
If you have any questions about our charitable givings feel free to send us a message or comment below. We strive to be transparent in all that we do as a company.
Last But not least, we want to thank you again for being here. HumBird exists because of you and our incredible community. In case you missed it, check out our Holiday Greetings blog post here
Now let's take a look back at the year starting with our 2021 Custom Colors.
Thank you again for being on this journey with us.
Lots of love in this coming year,
Dawn Jesse and everyone at HumBird